漂亮又别致的荷花,独具一格,普遍地茂密生长于热带和温带地区的池塘与挨着湖滨的水域,中国早在周朝就有栽培荷花的记载,清淡高雅的荷花象征着贞洁、自爱,自强、坚定、高尚、其出自污泥而不染的品格寓意着洁身自爱,自古以来就恒被世人歌颂不已! 高尚优雅的荷花是美化生活环境、陶冶情操之靓丽典雅的花卉,早已被誉为十大名花之一,普遍地受芸芸众生的青睐与宠爱,连蜻蜓也不例外,陶醉又痴迷地围绕徘徊在清香又温馨的荷叶荷花左右,不离也不弃。
别有韵味的荷花自古以来就是文人雅士艺术家喜爱的创作题材,不论是诗词散文、歌曲音乐、画作和工艺品,各种类别的佳作皆源源不断地脱颖而出,琳琅满目,的确是不胜枚举也! 远在千多年前的元朝时代,就由一位因热爱描绘荷花而名满遐迩流芳百世的诗人画家王冕大师,开了先河创下了先例。
Lotus is Noble & Elegant
The uniquely beautiful lotuses are found flourishing in ponds and lakeside waters in the Asian tropical and temperate zones. The noble and elegant lotus symbolizes purity, chastity, nobility and indomitability, they were praised by the Chinese folks since the ancient days! Lotuses are indeed elegantly pretty flowers that beautify the environment and nurture good sentiments. It has long been classified as one of the top ten popular flowers, favoured by all living beings, even dragonflies are no exception, they are obsessed and keep sticking around the beautiful and fragranced surrounding where the lotuses are.
The distinctive lotus is a favourite subject for literati and artists, no matter they are poetries and proses, songs and music, paintings and handicrafts, numerous masterpieces in various categories are produced endlessly from time to time. There was a precedent set by Master Wang Mian, a poet and painter, more than a thousand years ago in the Yuan Dynasty who was famous for his passion in depicting lotus with his highly matured skill.